Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Beach Accommodation

Setiap tempat wisata seperti pantai pasti disitu berdiri hotel atau tempat menginap, akomodasi merupakan keperluan bagi para wisatawan. Gimana caranya kalau tempat wisata tapi tidak ada akomodasi, repot donk.

Seperti halnya manly beach accommodation yang merupakan akomodasi di pantai manly. Dan para pengusahaan disanan sepertinya sudah mulai memasarkan manly beach accommodation via media online, sehingga mudah dicari oleh para wisatawan.

Manly beach accommodation merupakan target untuk para wisatawan yang berkunjung ke manly beach sehingga mereka bisa tahu atau bahkan mungkin pesan akomodasi jarak jauh, maka ketika wisatawan datang mereka tinggal konfirmasi saja.

Senin, 09 November 2009

Sound isolation systems

Professional Headphones are for the people who make their living with sound, or simply those who can't settle for anything less than the best. Often DJ's, Drummers, Singers, Guitarists, Bassists, cameramen and sound engineers need to have extreme sound isolation from the outside world and have perfect crisp sound inside their headphones to do their job their best. That's where these professional headphones earn their high price tag sound isolation systems.

The noise-canceling headphones from the company are some of the most popular headphones. These headphones use QuietPoint technology developed by Audio-Technica. With this technology both earpieces feature small outside microphones. These microphones work to help with collecting outside noises like traffic or machine sounds.

They can work to help with canceling out eighty-five percent of all outside noises. This can work to help make the listener be able to hear sound isolation systems clearly without having to turn up the volume to an incredibly high volume.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Bulk usb flash drives

Salah satu website bulk usb flash drives yang bergerak dalam bulk usb flash drives dan juga usb flash drives ini sedang mencoba di garap untuk promosi di internetnya. Cuman saat ini lagi turun aja posisi ranking nya dan sangat dratis turunya :(

Mungkin selain memang google akan atau memang sudah kali yah menerapkan sistem baru dalam hal ranking meranking di posisi google juga sepertinya karena kaya kunci yang dibidik lumayan banyak saingan.

Mungkin bisa berbeda dengan kata kunci jasa desain grafis yang saya lihat di google indonesia tidak begitu banyak saingan.

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Kerudung Cantik

Kerudung-Cantik.com adalah sebuah toko online yang menjual kerudung dan baju muslim. Sebuah toko yang menjual kebutuhan kaum muslim. Salah satu produknya yaitu kerudung, dimana produk kerudungnya sangat cantik-cantik dan banyak pilihan warna dan jenis.

Produk kerudung nya tersebut merupakan produk dari kerudung bernama shasmira, produk kerudung tersebut sudah cukup terkenal dan mempunyai desain dan kualitas bagus. Saat banyak sekali orderan yang mana kadang jenis produk kerudung tertentu habis stoknya.

Toko Kerudung-Cantik.com selain berjualan kerudung juga berjualan baju-baju muslimah, dengan jenis baju tunik, yang sangat menawan dan trendi.

Selasa, 07 April 2009

Photoshop Action Scripts

Bagi para graphic designers software ini cocok untuk koleksi design anda yaitu Photoshop Action Scripts. Software ini bisa membuat gambar 3 dimensi cover graphics secara realistik dan dalam hitungan menit. Contoh gambar 3 dimensi yang bisa dibuat yaitu E-Covers, Book Covers, Music Box, MP3 Player, Gift Bag atau CD Covers, dan masih banyak lagi.

Dalam software tersebut terdapat 40 design yang dapat di gunakan di program adobe photoshop.

Kelebihan photoshop action scripts ini adalah gambar yang begitu detail dan dapat digunakan bersama adobe photoshop 7 sampai dengan adobe photoshop cs4

Jadi program ini sangat cocok sekali buat anda yang bekerja di perusahaan graphic design atau yang biasa berhubungan dengan gambar-gambar 3D.


Bikin blog dengan domain gratis?

Dapet info dari sini bahwa bisa bikin blog dengan domain .com gratis? wah asik sekali, ini beneran nih? bener ko coba aja klik link nya disini.

Layanin blog gratis dengan domain gratis ini dari hyperwebenable.com, berikut layanannya :

1. Free website of your choice (yoursitename.com).
2. 1GB of webspace to host your website.
3. Unlimited bandwidth.
4. Unlimited emails (info@yoursitename.com,contact@yoursitename.com).
5. Scripts of your choice(Blog,CMS,Forum ..).
6. Technical support by email for your website.
7. Tips & tricks to improve your page rank and traffic.
8. Free renewal of your domain.
9. No hidden fee or payments.
10. Ads on your Blog.

Selain blog sepertinya juga bisa buat website design dengan cms, jadi tidak ada salahnya di coba. Tapi kalau tidak salah di ToS-nya disebutkan, harus diupdate minimal 15 posting sebulan atau minimal jumlah visitor 100 per hari. Ya lumayan lah dapat domain gratis dan hosting nya sekalian, selalin bisa buat blog juga bisa juga kalau punya usaha lain yang bisa di tempel di blog tersebut misal usaha logo designer atau graphic designers.

Tertarik langsung aja daftar

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Bungalow House Styles

Bungalow House Styles
Executive Summary about Bungalow by Dane Smith

The word "bungalow" comes from the Indian word "bangla", which used to refer to homes built in a Bengal style. Once the first American bungalow was built in Cape Cod in 1879, the home style took off across the country.

The bungalows that now cover California are referred to as "California Bungalows", though the style is popular across the country, including here in Austin.
Though there are different styles of the bungalow, such as the Arts and Crafts, Prairie Style, and

Queen Anne, they all share similar qualities and features. Bungalows were built to battle the elaborate Victorian movement, and to return to warmer, family oriented housing where the craft of the homebuilder was showcased. Most bungalows also have large porches and stone chimneys leading to grand fireplaces inside.

Arts and Crafts homes, or Craftsman homes, have low-pitched roofs, wide eaves with triangular brackets, large porches with thick round or square columns. Inside, most Craftsman bungalows have many windows, exposed beam ceilings, and built-in cabinetry and seating.

Other bungalows, such as the 1922 Norwood House on Lady Bird Lake (currently under disrepair) are built in the Prairie style.

Bungalow House PlansWhat does the word bungalow mean for you?
Executive Summary about Bungalow by Alice Lane

The term bungalow means slightly different things in other cultures and can offer different styles of luxury home plans as they relate to the bungalow style. In India bungalows of the past were smaller single story thatched roof houses but in modern times they are single story houses that can be very large. In South Africa the term means a small holiday house, a small log house or a wooden beach house. In all of the different bungalow styles around the world, there is a common consistent theme associated to the bungalow. It is the fact that a bungalow is primarily single storied and offers easy access to the living amenities of its inhabitants.

In the United States, potential bungalow home owners have their choice of many styles of bungalow house plans to select from.

another link granny flats, Granny cabins, DPU, Country homes

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

Bali Villa Bungalows

Here is bali vila bungalows, i like the swimingpool :)

If you interested this bungalows you can contact :
Villa Alamanda, Jl. Pratama, Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua - Bali, Indonesia, Phone/Fax:+62.361.77 25 21, Hp.+62.81.139 32 71

Another Bungalows from Indonesia

Do you like Indonesia? You must try this bungalows, traditionally craft Bungalows will comfort you with any pleasure for a perfect holiday

contact info :
Crocodile and Dolphin Bay Cottages
Jl. Sungai Meninting No 18
Ireng - Ampenan
West Lombok - NTB Indonesia 83353
Phone: +62 (0)370 682 9957
Fax : +62 (0)370 692 225

Lumbung Sri Bungalow

Lumbung Sri Bungalow
A private bungalow situated at peace and quiet rice fields and coconut trees. A double bed for each room with air conditioner. A lovely semi open bath room and living room are on the ground floor.

You like Lumbung Sri Bungalows ?

Contact here :
Agung Raka Bungalows
Jl. Pengosekan, Ubud
Gianyar 80571, Bali, Indonesia.
Tel: 62 361 975757
Fax: 62 361 975546